Sunday, August 19, 2007

We went to Coonskin today.

We headed out to coonskin today. It was hot, and I didn't get very many pictures. My digital camera has an insanely long delay, and it's extremely difficult to get good action shots.

But I got this shot of Marc and Russell talking and watching the other skaters:

Skate Plaza, Kettering Ohio

Since we were already in Ohio last weekend, we decided to head from Columbus over to Kettering (outside of Dayton) to hit the Skate Plaza. It was a great park for the kids and it was packed. In fact, we felt like we were in a Coonskin reunion, Salih Muhammad and his dad, James, were there, as well as several kids from South Charleston.

I'm just a beginner, but I had a great time just cruising around on my longboard.

Marc loved this bank:

check out Marc's blog for more pics. (see link at right)

Mopar Nationals

On August 11, Marc and I went to the National Trails Raceway outside of Columbus, Ohio to go to the Mopar Nationals. In the past few years, I've become kind of a Mopar freak. I have a Mopar Hot Wheels collection, and my dream car would be the new Dodge Charger in sublime (I've seen 2 of them and I'm so jealous...)

Anyway, there weren't too many of the new cars there, mostly the old ones from the 70s.

Here are 2:

This is a "Feather Duster" - a special edition 1976 Plymouth Duster

This is a 1970 AAR Cuda, made for TransAm racing. Love the color :o)

Bree plays chuck-it

Marc takes Bree out every day to play chuck-it in the back yard. She loves it and goes absolutely crazy if she doesn't get to go. She's a high energy dog, and has to get lots of exercise and activity to wear her out.

So she's plays every day, sometimes twice.

She flies after the chuck-its.

and then she comes in and takes a nap.

That's our little buddy. She plays hard and sleeps hard.

It's been kind of slow around here lately

The adventures have slow lately. I was sick and in the hospital for almost a week at the end of July and have been slowly recovering. But, Marc and I have managed to get a trip to Columbus Ohio to the Mopar Nationals (to check out the cool Dodge and Plymouth muscle cars) and to the Skate Plaza in Kettering Ohio. We also went to coonskin skate park this afternoon.

And of course, Bree gets a chuck-it (which are sort of like frisbees, only they last way longer) every day (sometimes even twice a day). I'll be posting pics of all these adventures today. :o)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Today's Adventure

Today's "adventure" was Marc heading off to Coonskin while I stayed home to read the new Harry Potter book.

Loved the book. SPOILER if you don't want to know, stop reading now

Not quite sure it lived up to the hype of one of the main characters dying. Well, ok, lots of people died, but when I think main characters, I think Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And they didn't die (or didn't stay dead).

But it was a great read, and a great ending to the series. Now if I can just get Marc to take me to the fifth movie before it leaves the theaters, I'll be set.

As for Marc's day, his buddy Jeff took this pic of him at Coonskin:

See more on Marc's blog: marc's board shop

Introductions - Who we are

I'm Melissa - a beginning skateboarder, a unicyclist, a mountain biker, an avid reader, and many other things all rolled into one.

Marc is Marc - a skateboarder for over 30 years, a long time unicyclist, a mountain biker, and also, many other things all rolled into one.

The Little Buddy is Bree - our 7 year old Border Collie mix. A lover of Frisbees, "Chuck-Its", her red ball, naps in mom's bed, and anything else we throw at her.

We have been described many times as "Fun Hogs" (even the Charleston newspaper used the term when they wrote an article about our wedding). What is a Fun Hog you ask? It's a person who loves to do many sports or activities. In other words, it's the three of us...

The Adventure Begins

Ok, so technically, the "adventure" began a little more than a year ago when Marc and I got married. Or maybe even further back - 5 years ago when we met... But for our purposes here, the adventure begins now.

I'll post stories of our trips, skateboard outings, bike rides, play sessions, or whatever. Hopefully, I'll have pictures too, but not always. As a true "Fun Hog" knows, there's not always time to get out the camera when you're out having fun. We usually have one with us, but whether or not we remember to use it is anyboy's guess.

So stick around and you can hear about the next great adventure of Marc, Melissa, and The Little Buddy...